Non-life Insurance


Travel Insurance

Atlantique Assistance Travel is a health, funeral and legal coverage in case of claims occurring during a trip abroad. Partner : NSIA Assurances Benefits
  • 30,000 euros for evacuation, medical repatriation and emergency dental costs
  • Coverage for a visit from a relative a return ticket in economy class and accommodation for 4 days
  • Repatriation of remains
  • Help in the search of lost luggage
  • Lawyer's fees and advance of criminal bail
  • Early return assistance in the event of death of a member of the beneficiary's family
Terms and conditions of subscription
  • Be no more than 75 years of age at the date of subscription
Copy of valid passport

Card Insurance

Card Insurance is a contract covering fraudulent debits inherent in the theft of bank cards and the theft of official documents (national identity card, driving license, passport and residence permit) Partner : GMC Benefits
  • Compensation of 200,000 CFA to 250,000 CFA in the event of fraudulent debits
  • Compensation of 50,000 CFA francs for the replacement of stolen official documents
Terms and conditions of subscription Be a debit card holder of banque atlantique Cameroun

Car Insurance

The purpose of car Insurance is to cover damage caused to third parties by your vehicle, damage to your vehicle and damage to passengers Partner : Atlantique Assurances   Benefits
  • Compensation or material repairs in case of accident
  • Compensation in case of theft of the vehicle, theft of accessories, fire, glass breakage
  • Compensation for passengers
Terms and conditions of subscription
  • Owning a motorized land vehicle
No obligation to have an account at banque atlantique Cameroun

Individual Accident Insurance

The individual accident insurance compensates the insured in case of bodily injury suffered during an accident, whether the victim is at fault or not, and whether a responsible third party is identified or not. Expenses vary from one contract to another, but overall include the following expense commitments : Medical expenses, hospitalization, medication, etc.., Funeral expenses in case of death, Financial loss caused by a work stoppage or permanent disability, Search, rescue and repatriation costs, A portion of the costs of defense-recourse in the event of a lawsuit. Partner : Atlantique Assurances Benefits
  • Coverage in case of accidental death
  • Coverage of partial and total permanent disability
  • Coverage of temporary work incapacity
  • Coverage of medical and pharmaceutical expenses
Terms and conditions of subscription
  • Be not more than 65 years old
No obligation to have an account at banque atlantique Cameroun

Multi-Risk Home Insurance

Homeowner's Comprehensive Insurance covers you against damage to your home and its contents Partner : Atlantique Assurances Benefits
  • Coverage for fire damage
  • Coverage of water damage, glass breakage and computer risks
Terms and conditions of subscription
  • Be an owner or tenant
No obligation to have an account at banque atlantique Cameroun

Civic liability insurance for the head of the family

The Civil Liability Insurance covers the civil repairs that you may be held liable for due to personal injury and material accidents caused to third parties either by yourself, or by persons for whom you are responsible, or your pets Partner : Atlantique Assurances Benefits
  • Coverage for bodily injury
  • Coverage for property damage
Terms and conditions of subscription
  • Be the head of the family
No obligation to have an account at banque atlantique Cameroun