Direct Loans


Cash flow

Granted over a few days per month, this cash credit offers the possibility for the company to meet its cash flow needs due to mismatches between expenses and revenues, subject to bank acceptance Benefits
  • Maintain flexibility in managing your cash flow
  • Interest charged in relation to the amounts actually used

Spot loans

A very short-term credit, it is intended to solve the company's occasional cash flow problems. The company issues a financial bill and makes a drawdown with the bank, which advances the corresponding funds over the agreed period The credit is in the form of an advance and allows the company to meet short-term needs. Benefits
  • Better cash management
  • Lower financial costs
  • The interest rates charged are often lower than standard conditions
  • The financial terms are more advantageous than those of an overdraft

Campaign Loans

It is intended for companies whose activity is seasonal Benefits
  • Financing of large amounts while waiting for the first sales (sometimes over a period of several months)
  • Duration of use varies according to the duration of your campaign and can be up to 12 months
  • It guarantees the cash flow of your company whose activity is seasonal throughout its operating cycle
  • Reimbursement required at the end during the sales period

Commercial paper discount

This credit allows your company to obtain immediate payment of a commercial paper without waiting for its due date. You assign a customer's bill to your bank, which advances you the amount, less any fees it collects Benefits
  • Immediate availability of funds
  • Interest charged based on the amounts actually used
  • Preserve the commercial advantages granted to your customers, especially payment terms, without penalizing your cash flow
  • Easy access to information on the quality of the signature of your customers and prospects

Advance On Goods

This loan seeks to finance your inventories by helping you to cover your outstanding raw materials and/or finished products up to 80% of their cost price. Benefits
  • Possibility of renewal
  • Flexible use
  • Credit amount up to 80% of the value of the goods
  • Cash management to finance other needs

Advance on affluent markets

The bank grants you an advance, based on the rights established by the administration, of up to 80% of the statement. The financing is covered by a pledge on the said market. Benefits
  • Formula adapted to the needs of the company
  • Immediate availability of receivables from the State
  • Revolving financing

Medium and long-term investment

This loan is used to finance a professional investment, whether it is a tangible asset (equipment, vehicle, computer, etc.) or an intangible need (working capital financing, financing of licenses, patents, etc.) and is repayable monthly or quarterly and generally granted over periods of 2 to 7 years, depending on the type of object to be financed Benefits
  • Consider investments aimed at improving competitiveness with serenity
  • Benefit from the support of the bank's experts
  • Optimize financial expenses thanks to competitive rates