Loans, Commitments by signature


Bid Bond

In order to participate in the award of a public or private contract, the contracting authority requires that you commit yourself by means of a provisional bond which ends on the day of the award of the contract. Benefits
  • It allows you to participate in the tender
  • It dispenses with the need to disburse funds
  • The commitments made by the bank enhance the company's brand image

Deposit return restitution

For the execution of a public contract, it is possible to obtain an advance from the Administration either at the start or after the completion of part of the work. In return for this advance, the tender promoter requires a deposit for the return of the deposit, which you can obtain from banque atlantique Benefits
  • The advances received help preserve your cash flow

Security deposit

As the successful bidder on a public or private contract, you are required to provide guarantees against any possible failures that may be observed at the end of the work. Benefits
  • Exempts the need to pay funds to the project owner as security

Definitive guarantee

This security is released by the delivery of a release from the client at the time of the provisional acceptance of the contract. Benefits
  • Means that exempts you from the disbursement of funds
  • Solution to help in the execution of the work of your contract

Customs bonds

It is a guarantee issued by the bank to the customs administration on behalf of customers to enable them to withdraw their goods in the event that they lack documents (certificates of origin, final invoice, etc.), or in the event of additional customs formalities to be produced at a later date Benefits
  • Option to defer or avoid certain disbursements; or to accelerate certain cash inflows
  • Reduction of financial expenses

Endorsement of drafts

It is a commitment given by the bank, intended to guarantee the settlement of a draft issued by your company in favour of third parties. Benefits
  • Option to defer or avoid certain disbursements; or to accelerate certain cash inflows
  • Reduction of financial expenses